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Auditions This Month

Ready to start modeling & acting?

Auditions are now open in Houston!

Barbizon Modeling & Acting is seeking new faces for modeling, acting and personal development. Audition is open to males and females 8 to 19 years old.

Barbizon models and actors have worked on the set of many movies, TV shows, commercials, photo shoots, fashion shows and more. Now it’s your turn to step into the spotlight! Fill out the form below to schedule your audition in for acting and modeling in Houston, TX. Kids and teens interested in fashion modeling, photoshoots and acting trust Barbizon as the industry leader for training, placement and so much more.

Audition for acting and modeling training and placement.

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, Max. file size: 20 MB.


Houston, Texas

August & September 2024

Barbizon Isn’t Just About Walking On A Runway Or Reading Lines From A Script, It’s So Much More! The Barbizon Experience Is About Discovering What Makes You Special, And Developing Your One-Of-A-Kind “Star” Quality For The Whole World To See. We Invite You To Review The Barbizon Programs To See How Our Expert Modeling And Acting Training, Along With Life-Skills Instruction, Will Give You The Confidence And Tools To Shine For A Lifetime.


Want to see what types of modeling agencies in Houston and throughout the USA are booking Barbizon alumni? Follow us on Instagram!


Development with modeling classes and acting classes & school in Houston plus exciting placement opportunities in your local market. Learn how to become a model for teens and kids with Barbizon USA! Find more modeling schools near me, acting schools near me and placement support services on our website. Modeling agencies near you are working with Barbizon kids & teens.


Auditions for acting and modeling training & placement are now open in Houston, Texas.

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